Current Exhibitions on View

Main Gallery:

Silent Surfaces: Mapping Spatial & Personal Discoveries

June 7, 2024 – july 24, 2024

Community Gallery:

Greenville County Schools Award Winners Show

July 12, 2024— August 6, 2024

Second floor – Loft Gallery:

A Different Perspective by Michael Lechlitner

July 12, 2024 – July 24, 2024

2024 & 2025 Upcoming Exhibitions

Main Gallery:

2024 Annual Showcase

August 2, 2024 – September 25, 2024

Community Gallery:

Leaving a Legacy: Honoring GCCA’s Founding Visionaries

GCCA FOunders

August 9, 2024 – August 28, 2024

Community Gallery:

More Myself

Leslie Lakes, Emily Wilson, & Lilliana Cameron

September 6, 2024 – October 23, 2024

main Gallery:

Impermanence & Abject Space

Brittany watkins

October 4, 2024 – November 27, 2024

Community Gallery:

Art & Healing 

Becky “Bex” Collins, Carol Funke, Elisa M. Golden, Susanne Floyd Gunter, William Jameson, Diane Hopkins Hughs, Christina Laurel, Cheryl Lecroy, Monita Mahoney, Linda McCune, Marilyn Murrell, Michael Stoner, Carole Knudson Tinsley, & Joel Wilkinson

November 1, 2024 – December 18, 2024

Main Gallery:

Past is Prologue

Arden cone

December 6, 2024 – January 29, 2025

Community Gallery:

In Motion

Carrie Creech & Gerri Green

january 10, 2025 – February 26, 2025

Main Gallery:

Concrete Realities: Reflections on Loss & Urban America

Johanna Warwick, Whitney Lea Sage, & Malik Greene

February 7, 2025 – March 26, 2025

Community Gallery:

Sign of the Times

emma Hartman

March 7, 2025 – April 23, 2025

If you’d like to show your work at GCCA, be sure to visit our Exhibition Proposals page to learn more about our submission process and apply for an exhibition in one of our galleries.