Internship Opportunities

Greenville Center for Creative Arts is looking for friendly and outgoing individuals who have the passion to work and learn in Greenville’s only community-focused visual art center.


Thank you for your interest in joining our team!

Available Positions

Marketing and Events Intern

Reporting to the Operations Director, the Marketing and Events Intern would be learning the day-to-day running of a community arts focused non-profit working mainly with the Development Team and Visitor Experience Manager. Both Annual and Summer positions are available.

Summer Administrative Intern

Reporting to the Operations Director, the Summer Admin Intern would be learning the day-to-day running of a community arts focused non-profit during the months of June, July, and August. Summer Interns will be working heavily with the Education and Community Outreach Director, Operations Director and Visitor Experience Manager as well as with the rest of GCCA’s staff more sporadically.

Annual Administrative Intern

Reporting to the Operations Director, the Annual Intern would be learning the day-to-day running of a community arts focused non-profit starting in the month of September through May of the following year. Annual Interns will be working with the entire GCCA staff on a regular basis learning each department more thoroughly through out the year.